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May 2024

The SAFE Labs Workshop at the Palazzone di Cortona was a success!




April 2024

The lab completes its first half marathon! Beautiful run on the shore of Lake Garda, from Arco to Malcesine. Heather snatched the victory at the last km!



March 2024

Federico gives an invited talk a public engagement event on Neuroscience and Artificial Intelligence. Talk title: What can artificial intelligence learn from the brain? 



February 2024

Heather is selected and attends the Nencki Open Lab Workshop of Ideas in Neuroscience: Rethinking naturalistic behavior https://nenckiopenlab.org/dolomites/



January 2024

Optic table!




October 2023

Heather Strelevitz joins the lab for her PhD. First challenge: Halloween pumpkin carving!




August 2023

Federico and collaborators receive the UCL Global Engagement Award. The award will fund a meeting for new PIs, aimed at building more diverse and equitable research groups across Europe.



September 2023

The FANCi lab opens its doors! Functional architecture of neural circuits here we come.  




December 2022

Federico receives the Armenise-Harvard Career Development award to investigate the circuit and synaptic logic of visuo-motor integration


July 2022

Federico receives the Human Technopole Early Career Fellowship to investigate the transcriptomic architecture of visuo-motor circuits.